
OCEANS 2023 Limerick Call for Abstracts

The abstract submission deadline has been extended to 10th January 2023 at 23:59  GMT. 

Have you conducted innovative research in the field of ocean engineering that you’d like to present to a broad audience? Join us at OCEANS 2023 Limerick!

On behalf of the Marine Technology Society and the IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society, the OCEANS ’23 Limerick Local Organizing Committee (LOC) is honoured to invite your participation in this prestigious event. We seek engaging and cutting-edge technical presentations for our conference. As we develop the full technical program in the coming months, we encourage you to submit a paper to share with the MTS/IEEE OES community and welcome your suggestions for workshops, tutorials or other activities. The OCEANS’23 Topics align with the conference theme “Blue Ocean Planet Earth”.


  • Underwater Acoustics And Acoustical Oceanography
  • Sonar Signal/Image Processing And Communication
  • Ocean Observing Platforms, Systems, And Instrumentation
  • Remote Sensing
  • Ocean Data Visualization, Modeling, And Information Management
  • Marine Environment, Oceanography, And Meteorology
  • Optics, Imaging, Vision, And E-M Systems
  • Marine Law, Policy, Management, And Education
  • Offshore Structures And Technology
  • Aquaculture


  • Offshore wind energy
  • Ship decarbonisation
  • Drones in marine applications
  • Cultural heritage and underwater archaeology
  • Artificial Intelligence in Ocean Science & Technology
  • Analytics and Sensing: A new age of dynamic observations
  • Renewable Energy from the Sea (Wave, Tidal, OTEC, Salinity gradient…)
  • Sustainable Blue Economy
  • Maritime Vehicle Navigation
  • Deep Sea Mining, deep sea exploration and parallels to outer space

Abstracts can be submitted in the following categories (Deadline 20 December):

  • Regular Technical Program: if your abstract is accepted, authors will then submit a full paper and present it as part of the technical program. Following the conference, your paper will be published in IEEE Xplore.
  • Student Poster Competition*: Students may submit abstracts to the Student Poster Competition. If an abstract is selected, the student will then submit a full paper and poster, which will be presented during the conference in the student poster section of the exhibit hall. Following the conference, the paper will then be published in IEEE Xplore.

*This competition is open to any full-time student in an accredited program. The student must be listed as the lead and corresponding author. Participants in this competition will have travel and registration expenses subsidized.

  • Commercial Papers: Commercial papers may only be submitted by conference exhibitors, and if accepted, they will be presented in a designated track. They may include commercial content and will NOT be published as part of IEEE Xplore.
  • General Student Poster Session: The General Poster session is open as a request option to all authors (student and non-student). During the submission process of technical papers, authors will have the option to request their preference: oral presentation or poster presentation of the paper. The final decision on how the paper will be presented will be made by the Technical Programme Committee based on author preference, reviewers’ feedback and other factors. Participants in the General Poster session are still required to upload a final paper PDF for publication in IEEE Xplore. Additionally, General Poster participants must prepare and print the poster according to the IEEE poster template. Authors participating in the poster session will present the poster on-site during a dedicated live session at the conference.

We encourage participants to take a leadership role in the Technical Program. Please contact us directly with your proposals if you are considering one or more of the following activities:

  • Authors are invited to consider ‘championing’ a particular topic of interest to you and your colleagues and coordinating multiple submissions into a Special Session or Track. Proposals for special technical sessions should be discussed with the conference technical chairs. Sessions are approximately 90 minutes, consisting of presentations of submitted, peer-reviewed abstracts and submitted papers (Typically 5). However, you are welcome to work with the Technical Program Committee to propose a format that might include longer featured talks, paper submissions (meeting the same deadlines as regular technical programme) or shorter presentations with a panel discussion, and the option of no paper.
  • Common sessions may be organised into an announced Technical Track with a sub-theme to reflect specialised topics.

If you are considering organising a special session, please fill in the Express of Interest Special Session form and send it to

For other formats (e.g. Town Halls), please send an e-mail to

  • Organising a Workshop or Tutorial. See the call for Tutorials here.

EXHIBITORS and PATRONS Opportunities

Take advantage of the opportunity to connect with future customers, forge agent partnerships and be discovered by end-user professionals looking for marine science technology solutions.


  • Abstract Submission Opening : 14 October 2022
  • Deadline for abstract submission : 20 December 2022
  • Opening of registration and hotel booking: 20 February 2023
  • Authors notification : 20 February 2023
  • Student Poster notification: 20 March 2023
  • Full paper due : 10 April 2023
  • Deadline for early bird registration : 25 May 2023
  • Oceans 2023 Limerick: 5 June 2023

Explore and Discover Limerick/West Coast of Ireland

Discover Limerick by strolling along the historic streets on the edge of the River Shannon.

Visit the West Coast of Ireland and take a drive on the Wild Atlantic Way,  the longest defined coastal driving route in the world. Enjoy in the amazing Irish landscape.