The OCEANS 2023 Limerick event agenda will be continuously updated to reflect Plenary Presentations,
Exhibitor Track Presentations, Special Sessions, and other calendar items as they are scheduled.
LINK : Technical Programme Schedule at glance (preliminary)
08.00– 19.00 |
Registration, University Concert Hall |
09.00-12.30 | Tutorials & Workshops, ½ day and full day. check full schedule here |
12.30 -13.30 | SPC & tutorials attendees lunch (light lunch Eden restaurant, M Level Main building) |
13.00-15.00 | Student Poster Competition Orientation Location: Room EM010, Main Building |
13.30-16.30 | Tutorials & Workshops, ½ day and full day. check full schedule here |
16.00-18.00 | OES/MTS Student Mixer Join us for the Student Mixer! Meet your fellow students and student poster competitors in a casual setting for networking, food and drinks. Young Professionals and leaders from the Oceanic Engineering Society and Marine Technology Society will be there to orient you to the OCEANS conference and guide you on how to get the most out of your week. Location: Stables Club, University of Limerick |
17.30-19.30 | Icebreaker welcome reception Location: University Concert Hall Atrium |
TUESDAY 6th JUNE | THEME: Offshore Wind, Carbon Neutral Energy by 2050 |
08.00– 17.00 |
Registration, University Concert Hall (UCH) |
08.50-11.00 | OCEANS Opening and Welcome Welcome by UL president / other dignitaries Plenary I: Offshore Wind, Carbon Neutral Energy by 2050 Location: University Concert Hall (UCH) |
11.00-11.20 | Short Break (UCH Atrium) |
11.20 -11.50 |
Future OCEANS conferences:
Location: University Concert Hall (UCH) |
11.50-12.00 | Exhibition Opening (ribbon cutting) |
12.00-13.20 | Lunch (Exhibition Marquee) SPC Competition (Exhibition Marquee) |
13.20-15.00 | Technical sessions (Parallel) |
13.30-15.00 | Special panel: Green Shipping Location: Jean Monnet Theatre, Main Building |
15.00-15.40 15.30-17.30 |
Break (Exhibition Marquee) SPC Competition (Exhibition Marquee) Atlantic Canada Reception |
15.40-17.40 | Technical sessions (Parallel) |
17.30-18.30 | OES UK and IE Chapter meeting Location: Room EM010, Main Building |
17.30-19.30 | Exhibition reception (Exhibition Marquee) |
WEDNESDAY 7th JUNE | THEME: Sustainable Commercial Use of Seas and Oceans |
07.30 – 09.00 |
OES/MTS Young Professionals breakfast and panel Location: EG010, Main Building |
08.00 – 17.00 |
Registration hours (UCH) |
09.00-10.40 | Plenary II: Sustainable Commercial Use of Seas and Oceans Keynote: Mary Crowley, President Ocean Voyages Institute Moderator: Fausto Ferreira, Assistant Prof University of Zagreb Expert Panel: Location: University Concert Hall (UCH) |
10.40-11.10 | Break Exhibition (Exhibition Marquee) SPC Competition (Exhibition Marquee) |
11.10 -12.50 | Technical sessions (Parallel) |
11.10 -12.40 |
Location: Jean Monnet Theatre, Main Building UL |
12.40-14.00 | Lunch (Exhibition Marquee) SPC Competition (Exhibition Marquee) |
14.00-15.40 | Technical sessions (Parallel) |
15.40-16.20 | Networking Break Exhibition (Exhibition Marquee) SPC Competition (Exhibition Marquee) |
16.20-17.40 | Technical sessions (Parallel) |
18.20-22.00 | Gala dinner |
THURSDAY 8th JUNE | THEME: Ocean Health and Resilience |
07.30 – 09.00 |
IEEE OES Women in Engineering Breakfast and Panel |
08.00– 14.00 |
Registration (UCH) |
09.00-10.40 | Plenary III: Ocean Health and Resilience Keynote: Peter Heffernan, Ocean Ambassador & Member of the Board of the Oceano Azul Foundatio. Board Member EU Mission Board ‘Restore Our Ocean and Waters by 2030’. Moderator: Karen Coleman, Award Winning Irish Journalist Expert Panel: Location: University Concert Hall |
10.40 -11.10 | Break Exhibition |
11.10 -12.50 | Technical sessions (Parallel) |
11.10-12.40 | Special panel: Fair solutions in engineering for sustainable oceans Location: Jean Monnet Theatre, Main Building |
12.30-14.00 | MTS Women Leadership in Marine Technology and Science Lunch and Panel: Women and the Ocean Decade Location: Room EG010, Main Building |
12.40-14.00 | Lunch – Exhibition Close (SPC award at 13.40) |
14.00-15.40 | Technical sessions (Parallel) |
15.40-16.00 | Break |
16.00-17.40 | Technical sessions (Parallel) |
Innovation Theatre
Schedule at a Glance
Tuesday, 6th June:
12.50 – 13.20
15.10 -18.10
Wednesday, 7th June:
10.50 – 12.20
13.30 – 15.00
15.50 – 17.20
Thursday, 8 th June:
10.40 – 12.40
Exhibit Hall Hours at a Glance
Tuesday, June 6:
11.50 – 19.30 OPEN
15.00-15.40 Break
17.00 – 19.30 Exhibitors Reception
Wednesday, June 7:
8.30-18.30 OPEN
10.40 -11.10 Morning Break
12:40-14.00 Lunch
15.40 – 16.20 Afternoon Break
Thursday, June 8:
8.00-15.30 OPEN
10.40 -11:10 Morning Break
12:50-14.00 Lunch